bit-struct, a bit-struct macro for racket
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I’ve been playing with mdns
, as a way to do local-only automatic syncing
as part of a notebook application I’m working on in Racket, and I needed a
way to represent DNS reconds, which are packed c-style structs.
I could have used the FFI package to define these, but I like playing around,
and ended up with these two modules, which define bit-spec
, a struct which
describes a field in a bit-struct, and define-bit-struct
, a macro which builds
up a packed bit-struct.
Right now they handle endianness, signed numbers and padding; I may end up with more features eventually.
As an example,
(require "./bit-struct.rkt")
(define-bit-struct dns-header
[(some-header 16 #:signed? #t)
(some-field 32) ; 32 bit number
(some-bool 1) ; 1 bit boolean
(_ 7) ; 7 bits of padding
(some-bytes 0)]) ; rest as a bytestring
(define obj (build-dns-header #:some-bytes #"hello world" #:some-field 12345 #:some-bool #t))
;=> (dns-header 0 12345 #t #"hello world")
(define out (dns-header->bytes obj))
;=> #"\0\0\0\00009\200hello world"
(bytes->dns-header #"\0\0\0\00009\200hello world")
;=> (dns-header 0 12345 #t #"hello world")
The macro defines:
struct, with contract (dns-header/c
) and gettersdns-header-allspecs
, a list of all bitspecs in order, (including padding)dns-header-bitspecs
, a hash table of field names to bitspecsbuild-dns-header
, which takes an arbitrary set of keyword argsdns-header-data
, which returns a all the struct’s data in a listbytes->dns-header
which de/serialize respectively
#lang racket/base
; a bitspec determines the layout of a given field
; ie; (build-bitspec bitlen #:big-endian? #:signed?)
; you can get a default value, and a generated contract for the field
; you can convert a value+bitspec into a bit string
; bit string+bitspec into a value
(require bitsyntax
(provide bitspec
; prefab so we can splice in as syntax
(struct bitspec [bitlen big-endian? signed?] #:prefab)
; contract because we can't use a guard with prefab
(define bitspec/c (struct/c bitspec natural? boolean? boolean?))
(define bitvalue/c (or/c bytes? boolean? exact-integer?))
(define (bit-length/c n)
(and/c exact-integer?
#:name "bit-length/c"
#:first-order (lambda (v) (and (exact-integer? v) (<= (integer-length v) n))))))
(define/contract (build-bitspec bitlen #:big-endian? (big-endian? #t) #:signed? (signed? #f))
(->* (natural?) (#:big-endian? boolean? #:signed? boolean?) bitspec/c)
(bitspec bitlen big-endian? signed?))
(define/contract (bitspec-rest? spec)
(-> bitspec/c boolean?)
(zero? (bitspec-bitlen spec)))
(define/contract (bitspec-contract spec)
(-> bitspec/c contract?)
(match (bitspec-bitlen spec)
[0 bytes?]
[1 boolean?]
[x (if (bitspec-signed? spec)
(and/c exact-integer? (bit-length/c (- x 1)))
(and/c natural? (bit-length/c x)))]))
(define/contract (bitspec-default-value spec)
(->i ([spec bitspec/c]) [_ (spec) (and/c bitvalue/c (bitspec-contract spec))])
(match (bitspec-bitlen spec)
[0 #""]
[1 #f]
[_ 0]))
(define/contract (bit-string+bitspec->value chunk spec)
(->i ([str bit-string?] [spec bitspec/c]) [_ (spec) (and/c bitvalue/c (bitspec-contract spec))])
(match (bitspec-bitlen spec)
[0 (bit-string->bytes chunk)]
[1 (= 1 (bit-string-ref chunk 0))]
[_ (bit-string->integer chunk (bitspec-big-endian? spec) (bitspec-signed? spec))]))
(define/contract (value+bitspec->bit-string value config)
(->i ([str (spec) (and/c bitvalue/c (bitspec-contract spec))] [spec bitspec/c]) [_ bit-string?])
(match (bitspec-bitlen config)
[0 value] ; zero means rest
[1 (integer->bit-string (if value 1 0) 1 #t)]
[_ (integer->bit-string value (bitspec-bitlen config) (bitspec-big-endian? config))]))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (lambda () (build-bitspec 'hi)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (lambda () (build-bitspec 0 #:big-endian? 6)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (lambda () (build-bitspec 0 #:signed? 15)))
; check signed output
(let [(s-bitspec (build-bitspec 8 #:signed? #t))
(u-bitspec (build-bitspec 8))]
(check-equal? (bit-string+bitspec->value #"\201" u-bitspec) 129)
(check-equal? (bit-string+bitspec->value #"\201" s-bitspec) -127)
(check-equal? (value+bitspec->bit-string 129 u-bitspec) #"\201")
(check-equal? (value+bitspec->bit-string -127 s-bitspec) #"\201"))
; check endian output
(let [(b-bitspec (build-bitspec 32))
(l-bitspec (build-bitspec 32 #:big-endian? #f))]
(check-equal? (bit-string+bitspec->value #"\0\0\0\1" b-bitspec) 1)
(check-equal? (bit-string+bitspec->value #"\0\0\0\1" l-bitspec) #x1000000)
(check-equal? (value+bitspec->bit-string 1 b-bitspec) #"\0\0\0\1")
(check-equal? (value+bitspec->bit-string #x1000000 l-bitspec) #"\0\0\0\1"))
; contract violation with out of range values
(let [(spec (build-bitspec 8 #:signed? #t))]
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (lambda () (value+bitspec->bit-string #f spec)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (lambda () (value+bitspec->bit-string 129 spec)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (lambda () (value+bitspec->bit-string -129 spec)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (lambda () (value+bitspec->bit-string #"wat" spec)))))
#lang racket/base
(require bitsyntax
(for-syntax arguments
(provide define-bit-struct)
(define-syntax (define-bit-struct stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ struct-name ([name* bitspecs* ...] ...))
(define symbol->keyword (compose string->keyword symbol->string))
; get symbols and cons from the syntax, so we can precompute some stuff
(define parsed-names (syntax->datum #'(name* ...)))
(define parsed-bitspecs (syntax->datum #'((bitspecs* ...) ...)))
; get structs from the parsed cons lists
(define built-bitspecs
(for/list ([bitspec (in-list parsed-bitspecs)])
(define bitspec-args (make-arguments (list (car bitspec)) (apply hash (cdr bitspec))))
(define bitspec-struct (apply/arguments build-bitspec bitspec-args))
; get a hash of field name to bitspecs, excluding anonymous padding
(define named-bitspecs
(for/hash ([name (in-list parsed-names)]
[spec (in-list built-bitspecs)]
#:unless (eq? name '_))
(values name spec)))
; (list name...) for named named
(define struct-named-fields
(for/list ([name (in-list parsed-names)]
#:unless (eq? name '_))
; (list contract ...) for named fields
(define struct-contract-fields
(for/list ([name (in-list parsed-names)]
#:unless (eq? name '_))
(bitspec-contract (hash-ref named-bitspecs name))))
; (list (#:keyword (keyword default)) ...)
(define builder-kw-default-arguments
(for/list ([(name spec) (in-hash named-bitspecs)])
(list (symbol->keyword name) (list name (bitspec-default-value spec)))))
; (list (#:keyword contract) ...)
(define builder-kw-contract-arguments
(for/list ([(name spec) (in-hash named-bitspecs)])
(list (symbol->keyword name) (bitspec-contract spec))))
(with-syntax ([contract-name (format-id stx "~a/c" #'struct-name)]
[allspecs-name (format-id stx "~a-allspecs" #'struct-name)]
[bitspecs-name (format-id stx "~a-bitspecs" #'struct-name)]
[builder-name (format-id stx "build-~a" #'struct-name)]
[data-name (format-id stx "~a-data" #'struct-name)]
[bytes->-name (format-id stx "bytes->~a" #'struct-name)]
[->bytes-name (format-id stx "~a->bytes" #'struct-name)])
(struct struct-name #,struct-named-fields #:transparent)
(define contract-name
(struct/c struct-name #,@struct-contract-fields))
(define allspecs-name
'#,(datum->syntax stx built-bitspecs))
(define bitspecs-name
(for/hash [(name (in-list '#,parsed-names))
(spec (in-list allspecs-name))
#:unless (eq? name '_)]
(values name spec)))
; drops the first value, which is the
(define/contract (data-name obj)
(-> contract-name list?)
(struct->list obj))
; builder with keywords + default values
(define/contract (builder-name #,@(append* builder-kw-default-arguments))
(->* () #,(append* builder-kw-contract-arguments) contract-name)
(struct-name #,@struct-named-fields))
(define/contract (bytes->-name input)
(-> bytes? contract-name)
(define (append-maybe-padding name arg arguments)
(if (eq? name '_) arguments (cons arg arguments)))
(for/fold ([offset 0]
[arguments null]
#:result (apply struct-name (reverse arguments)))
([name (in-list '#,parsed-names)]
[spec (in-list allspecs-name)])
(if (bitspec-rest? spec)
; read the rest of the string
(let* ([offset^ (bytes-length input)]
[chunk (bit-string-drop input offset)]
[arg (bit-string+bitspec->value chunk spec)])
(values offset^ (append-maybe-padding name arg arguments)))
; or read bitlen bits
(let* ([offset^ (+ offset (bitspec-bitlen spec))]
[chunk (sub-bit-string input offset offset^)]
[arg (bit-string+bitspec->value chunk spec)])
(values offset^ (append-maybe-padding name arg arguments))))))
(define/contract (->bytes-name self #:align-right? (align-right? #t))
(->* (contract-name) (#:align-right? boolean?) bytes?)
(for/fold ([acc #""]
[data (data-name self)]
#:result (bit-string->bytes/align acc align-right?))
([name (in-list '#,parsed-names)]
[spec (in-list allspecs-name)])
(if (eq? name '_)
; padding gets default values
(values (bit-string-append acc (value+bitspec->bit-string (bitspec-default-value spec) spec)) data)
; not padding puts values from the struct
(values (bit-string-append acc (value+bitspec->bit-string (car data) spec)) (cdr data))))))))]))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define-bit-struct example-le-struct
([fielda 32 #:big-endian? #f]
[fieldb 16 #:signed? #t]))
(let* ([empty-val (build-example-le-struct)]
[empty-bytes (example-le-struct->bytes empty-val)])
(check-equal? empty-bytes #"\0\0\0\0\0\0"))
(let* ([something-val (build-example-le-struct #:fielda 512 #:fieldb 512)]
[something-bytes (example-le-struct->bytes something-val)])
(check-equal? something-bytes #"\0\2\0\0\2\0"))
(define-bit-struct example-be-struct
([fielda 32 #:big-endian? #t]
[fieldb 16 #:signed? #t]))
(let* ([something-val (build-example-be-struct #:fielda 512 #:fieldb 512)]
[something-bytes (example-be-struct->bytes something-val)])
(check-equal? something-bytes #"\0\0\2\0\2\0"))
(define-bit-struct example-data-struct
([fielda 1]
[_ 39]
[fieldb 0]))
(let* ([data-val (build-example-data-struct #:fielda #t #:fieldb #"hello!")]
[data-bytes (example-data-struct->bytes data-val)]
[rebuilt-val (bytes->example-data-struct data-bytes)])
(check-equal? data-bytes #"\200\0\0\0\0hello!")
(check-equal? rebuilt-val data-val)))