Stack.pop_until, a handy ocaml function
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is this wrong, somehow?
open Core
module Stack = struct
include Stack
let rec pop_until pred stack =
pop_until' pred stack 0
and pop_until' pred stack n =
let a = Stack.pop stack in
if pred a then
(a, n)
pop_until' pred stack (n + 1)
let rec pop_until_exn pred stack =
pop_until_exn' pred stack 0
and pop_until_exn' pred stack n =
let a = Stack.pop_exn stack in
if pred a then
(a, n)
pop_until_exn' pred stack (n + 1)
let%expect_test _ =
let stack = Stack.create () in
Stack.push stack 10;
Stack.push stack 20;
Stack.push stack 30;
printf "initial top: %d\n" (Stack.top_exn stack);
let v, m = Stack.pop_until_exn (fun i -> i <= 19) stack in
printf "popped count: %d\n" m;
printf "popped value: %d\n" v;
printf "empty?: %b\n" (Stack.is_empty stack);
[%expect {|
initial top: 30
popped count: 2
popped value: 10
empty?: true
let%expect_test _ =
let stack = Stack.create () in
ignore (Stack.pop_until_exn (fun i -> i < 0) stack);
e -> printf "error: %s\n" (Exn.to_string e)
[%expect {|error: "Stack.pop of empty stack"|}]