beep boop.
Jonathan Raphaelson: (n. proper)
ˈʤɑnəθən ˈreɪfʊlsən
Dad nerd, boy genius; software engineer by day, and also by night.
A slightly malfunctioning robot.
I am currently on a gap year from work.
- bit-struct, a bit-struct macro for racket
- Notes on "The Art of the Metaobject Protocol"
- Sabattical, '23
- protohackers in CL (part 1 'call/cc')
- protohackers in CL (part 0)
- More
- devlog for miriam scheme, a rather ambitious scheme
- The Art of the Metaobject Protocol, by Gregor Kiczales et al. — notes and review
- Let over Lambda, by Doug Hoyte
- The Reasoned Schemer, and the rest of the “little” books, by Dan Friedman et. al.
- Crafting Interepreters, by Robert Nystrom
- All the Math you Missed, by Thomas Garrity
- The Making of the Atomic Bomb, by Richard Rhodes
- I’m struck by how much the scientists were figuring out as they went.
- the STklos virtual machine, a well-documented scheme bytecode
- research papers of H. Baker, ACM distinguished scientist and LISP hacker.
- archive of oleg kiselyov (okmij.org), an insanely valuable archive of code, papers and notes.
- spritely goblins, a distributed capabality object system in scheme
- Implementation of Functional Programming Languages, by Simon Payton Jones
- Spout Lore — my favorite podcast; dungeon world; very funny and heart-felt, pratchett-esque
- Pretending to be People — delta-green; gruesome, squeamish, hilarious, surprisingly emotional
- Ain’t Slayed Nobody — coc; dramatic, funny, 4-5 episode game arcs, scott dorward!
- The Apocalypse Players — coc; gruesome, voice acting, erudite, funny
- Solve this Murder — follow along murder mysteries! Some original, some Christie stories.
Being a good software engineer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the internet. - Unknown, appropriated1
From a great old SO thread on “your favorite quotes about programming.” ↩